Lushaka looks very young here due to delayed development that affects his mane and his kitty form. During childhood, it also affected his humanoid form, too, although you can’t really tell anymore. He’s not sure whether this delayed development is related to his tentacle thing, or if he has two very unusual, unrelated conditions.
If I were to name the two most important things in this story, it would be Ethan’s issues with his mom, and his relationship with Lu. This scene weaves both of those two things together. That weaving makes this scene very important to me! I’m happy to share it with everyone, and I look forward to the next big scene where the weave takes the center stage again.
That stump sure looks familiar, yes? Especially with the fire…
I’ve posted two updates this week, and will be taking the next week off for the holidays. See you in January, everyone! If you want to leave me a holiday gift, a comment would be lovely, either about this scene or anything about the characters you want to talk about! ✨
Remember the end of chapter 3? Yeah…
I’m posting two pages this week. This is the first of the two, so don’t forget to check out the second one! No need to wait till next week!
Unwanted memories continue. :(
Update 1 of 2 today! And make sure you didn’t miss yesterday’s extra update (the previous page), too!
As promised, an extra update for my birthday! And that’s not all; on the normal update day, I’ll post two more pages!
To clarify, Ethan does not understand Chinese. But hey, sometimes his good intentions don’t end up in terribly awkward mistakes. He’s just really proactive. :’)
Big toebeans.
There will be a bonus update on my birthday (Nov 26th). Don’t miss it!