It’s interesting how working under certain restrictions make you think and produce better results. Other times, working under restrictions make you unable to think, and the result may suffer. Every method has its pros and cons!
Observant readers may have noticed that I broke the 180 degree rule here. It was a deliberate choice to accentuate the change in the flow of the conversation/mood.
Also, fisheye perspective is a lot of fun to draw, even if I don’t get it 100% correct!
Originally, the first three panels weren’t there, but I’ve had a few people think he was waking up on the previous strip. Clarifying that he was just mumbling in his sleep. I think the conversation flows better this way, too; it accentuates Master’s hesitation.
About the nudity:
I thought about completely hiding her breasts and genital behind her hair/ the ring, but nah. Showing at least a hint of her genital region is important because I do want to make it clear that they look just like female humans down there.
This means there is NO penis to be seen in their world. Some non-sentient species may have penises, but if they do, they remain internal except during intercourse, so they’re never seen.
As a corollary, purely heterosexual Elyath would be considered to be sexual deviants for their kind, and would be extremely rare, if they exist at all. They’re usually asexual (common), lesbian (common) or pansexual (less common). The pansexual ones live their whole lives without realizing they’re different from their lesbian kins — unless they end up in Keol.
Makes sense, no? After all, there are no visibly male humanoids in their world. They don’t even have a word for “man” — or “woman” for that matter. Just “person.” In addition, they also have words referring to 1) male plants that they can reproduce with, 2) female plants that they can reproduce with, 3) THE male plant(s) they’ve reproduced with, 4) one’s own father plant, etc.
This sequence was strangely hard to design… The design of the fungus, the layout and flow, pretty much everything! When I’m drawing an action sequence, I find that action scenes are hard to draw. But when I’m drawing a sedentary scene, I find that these aren’t any easier!
Also, even though you can only see the paintings on one side of the room, all three walls of this room have paintings hanging. This is quite unusual for Korean/Keol households, where the walls are typically either left bare, or only have one thing hanging.