2 Comments on 037
Figuring out the composition for this one took lots of trial-and-errors. Weirdly enough, it’s the seemingly easier panels that gave me the most trouble — not the THOK!! one (that one, I knew what I wanted it to look like pretty much right away).

Overall, I’m happy with the result. The only thing that I’m unhappy about is how short it feels, especially after the long one right before it. :( The next strip will have a lot more content, though, so stay tuned for that!


7 Comments on 036
A long update today to celebrate 3,000 subscribers on Tapastic! I’m not actually at 3000 yet at the time of writing, but close enough. And better early than late, right?

Speaking of being late… March 31st was the International Transgender Day of Visibility, as I found out a little too late. We’ll be meeting a transwoman in HoK very, very soon. She is an influential character, though not among the main ones. I plan on doing a side story focusing on her in the future.


16 Comments on 033
Spot any familiar faces in the last panel? Here they are:

  • Blond girl, red skirt: Tebetha from Silversong
  • Chubby boy: now who could this be…?
  • Poor boy hanging onto Ethan’s arm: Viktor from Tyree of Amarynth
  • Cat face shirt: the boy is Hobbes/Dehaha1, who is not a character, but a (very supportive and awesome) reader. The cat is Quince from The Lessfortunate Beings.
  • Blond boy with glasses: Akira from Hazy Daze
  • Blond boy (yep) with the textbook: Finch from Singmire Haze

Aaaand with that, Chapter 3: Loved Ones comes to an end. I will be taking a little break before the next chapter begins. See you on March 26th, when the story will be continued in chapter four!

PS. Teasers will be posted via Twitter (@keiiii4) to tide you over in the meantime, so feel free to follow me there!


7 Comments on 032
As some of you may know, there is a first draft of sorts for this comic, which I will refer to as “the old buffer.” Story-wise it’s mostly similar to the version you’re seeing, but in spite of that, most of the old buffer is unusable for one or both of the following reasons:

1. Different writing. The scene with the wyrm, for instance, didn’t exist in the first draft, so I had to draw the whole thing not too long before posting them here.

2. VERY ugly old art. The part where Ethan opens the outhouse door here? Even though I’d promised myself I would only redraw scenes that were written differently, I had to break that promise. It was a special kind of hideous. Just trust me on that one.

It’s usually #1. The writing differences may be subtle, but they’re just different enough to prevent me from recycling old art.

The art for this particular strip is about 50% old, the highest out of the entire Chapter Three. I hope the old art here isn’t too jarring…


6 Comments on 031
Whatever you do now, Ethan, DON’T MESS UP YOUR AIM.

Also, daily suyori maintenance job means not everyone can afford to have a glorious, shiny, moldy, odor-free outhouse. No one else in the village has it. Danbi feels bad for being the only one who has it. Because he’s been using an odor-free outhouse all his life, however, a smelly outhouse squicks him out MAJORLY.

If he were visiting someone else in another town, and his host didn’t have a nice moldy outhouse, he would honestly prefer to go behind a bush. Or possibly bring some pine branches and magic up the piney scent to the max, as a gift to the host (not that the scent would last long). He prefers not to hurt the trees too much, though, if he can help it.


3 Comments on 029
There was a lot of trial and error involved in these panels. Let’s see.

Panel one: I’d drawn Ethan turning halfway to Danbi, but what’s the point of showing the turning? There’s no significance to it. So a close-up on the stretched out hand it is.

Panel three used to be two panels: Danbi’s expression going from a restrained ‘yay’ to ‘ohnoes.’ But I’ve already done something vaguely similar at the end of Chapter 2, when Danbi was struggling to find words (although there were no ‘ohnoes’ involved in that one). Plus, this little scene is not about Danbi. It’s all about Ethan making his decision. Going with Danbi may seem like a no-brainer, but finding a personal reason to do so — something beyond a simple ‘well, I don’t belong here’ — took him a bit of introspection.

Panel four: oh boy, I think I redrew the background three times. I needed Danbi to stand on that side of the yard, i.e. facing his house, in order for the next update to follow smoothly. But I wasn’t thinking about it at first, and drew the house on the top side of the panel. Oops. Took me two more redraws to orient the characters properly.

And the darkness in the gutter toward the bottom. That took WAY longer than it should have! Abstract composition is hard, guys.


10 Comments on 028
I don’t know, Ethan. The Internet’s a pretty big thing to not have…

An interesting tidbit: Ethan has not used his desktop computer for months. He has it packed away in a box for interesting reasons that I may or may not explain later. He does use the Internet daily on his phone, though (or rather, he used to before he came to Keol).