Chapter 7: Three-Way
I’M BAAAAAAAAAAACK! I’d forgotten what it was like to work on this comic. It is fun, depressing, exciting, and terrifying all at the same time. I hope you’ll all enjoy what this chapter has to offer. I’ve been sitting on the scripts/thumbnails for so long (had them finished WELL before the hiatus). It’s time to… Continue reading 067
Rave light battle! Turn the music on and SHAKE IT! Do watch out for violent individuals with glowing eyes, though. Safety first, fun second.
Alternatively, ‘boom.’
Special Move Ultra EX Activate! Color-coded (Magenta for Adela) for your convenience. We’ve got a TVTropes page for Heart of Keol, BTW, and the past few pages have been excellent examples of Color-Coded Wizardry.
I was sick for a few days, and need to catch up. The next update will happen on Monday, August 24. See you guys in a week! Also… *cue intense music!*
That was… that was a massive update. I need to catch my breath. I’ll skip this Thursday and see you guys in a week! In another news, I’ll be doing a Q&A following the end of this chapter. Feel free to start posting questions! Questions may be directed to me (“keiiii, what’s your favorite type… Continue reading 072
On one side, the high level players are duking it out. On the other, flower noogie time. The chapter is nearing its end, at which point I’ll be doing a Q&A. Anyone have any questions for me or the characters? :D
And the victory of this round goes to…!
That wraps up Chapter 7: Three-Way. The Q&A is coming up next, and after that, a chapter of extreme importance. There’s been a major problem with this story, and the next chapter is my best chance to fix it. I am fairly happy with how it’s coming out so far… There’s basically a 98% chance… Continue reading 075
Q&A (1)
I believe artichokes are grown and harvested in the second layer of hell. If you go deeper, you’ll also find an even more fiendish plant species that cover the fifth layer of hell; it is known as cilantro. More Q&A coming on Monday!