Even in this “mirror”, glowing golden flowers seem to be a theme. Remember the glowing writing on the hand? Patreon | Twitter
Even in this “mirror”, glowing golden flowers seem to be a theme. Remember the glowing writing on the hand? Patreon | Twitter
Let us bloom just like this This scene is very meaningful for me. If you also find it meaningful, I would love to hear your thoughts! I could try to explain what my intended meanings are, but my hope is that this scene speaks for itself, wordlessly. Patreon | Twitter
Feeling sadder and stronger simultaneously, somehow. Patreon | Twitter
No one has a magic solution, but everyone is truly doing their best, for love. Patreon | Twitter
Thank you for sticking with one of the most meaningful chapters in this comic. I’ll be taking a break next month, and chapter 47 will begin on May 3. Patreon | Twitter